If the selling pressure continues, Russia will have to choose between imposing exchange controls or letting the currency drop, analysts say. 分析师们说,如果卖盘压力持续,俄罗斯就必须在实施外汇管制和放任卢布贬值之间做出选择。
In any event, the central bank may have seen no mileage in being a backstop for selling cheap francs should the euro fall in the foreign exchange markets once a QE programme starts. 不管怎样,瑞士央行可能已经看到了,如果量化宽松启动后欧元汇率在外汇市场上下跌,出售廉价瑞郎支撑欧元并无益处。
ING had hoped to finance its repayment from selling shares on the stock exchange, but speculation has risen that it might seek to sell a stake to another financial institution. ING原期望通过在证券交易所抛售其手上的股份来套取还款,但是由于其股票预期升值,使得ING不得不考虑将其股份卖给金融机构。
The bank would use other instruments aside from selling dollar reserves to stabilise the exchange rate, principally raising interest rates, which they had been loathe to do until now to try and stave off recession, he said. 伊格纳提夫表示,除了卖出美元储备外,他们还将动用其它工具来稳定汇率,其中主要手段将是升息&为力求避免经济衰退,俄央行迄今一直不愿意升息。
The company may save money on taxes by selling shares on the stock exchange. 该公司在股票交易所卖股份可节省税金。
Be like estate buying and selling, donative, exchange, successive, of people court court decision, ruling mandatory move is waited a moment. 如房地产买卖、赠与、交换、继续,人民法院判决、裁定的强制性转移等等。
The issuance and withdrawal of currency, collecting deposits and granting loans, buying and selling of gold and silver, foreign exchange, and negotiable securities. 货币的发行和回笼,吸收存款和发放贷款,金银,外汇和有价证券的买卖。
Buying and selling foreign exchange by itself or as an agent without authorization; 未经批准买卖、代理买卖外汇的;
Nor does the UK pile up foreign assets by persistently selling its own currency to manipulate the exchange rate, as does China. 英国也不会像中国那样,通过持续卖出本币来操纵汇率,从而累积起外汇资产。
How many set of houses do you sell every month? And how much salary do you obtain by selling house? There is not enough discussion about exchange of house in this forum. 房子设定的你每个月卖吗?而且你藉由卖房子获得多少薪水?没有房子的关于交换的充足讨论在这一个论坛中。
The ban had prevented short selling on nearly 1,000 companies, including financial firms and industrial groups such as GM. The ban was lifted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission late on Wednesday night. 这项禁令禁止对近1000家企业的股票进行卖空操作,包括金融公司和通用汽车等工业集团的股票。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)周三晚取消了该禁令。
Chapter four analyzes the pressure of basic foreign exchange currency in market overt which result from existence of system for constraint balance and selling in foreign exchange course. 第四章分析了外汇市场结售汇过程中强制结售汇体制的存在对中央银行在公开市场上买入外汇投放基础货币的影响。
The Hedging Function of Short Selling System in Security Market The Hedging of Index Futures Considering the Exchange Rate 证券市场卖空交易机制套期保值功能研究考虑汇率因素下股指期货的套期保值
According to the abuse of telephone card, the paper puts forward the full solution of electronic selling cards exchange system. 基于以上电话卡的弊端,本文提出了电子售卡交易系统完整解决方案。
The Solution of Electronic Selling Cards Exchange System 电子售卡交易系统解决方案
The choice of buying-selling exchange mechanism is important to the exchange rate. 结售汇制的选择是一国汇率制度的重要内容。
Compulsory buying and selling FX, unreasonable-designed foreign exchange market and large-scale utilizing foreign investment bring about massive foreign capital inflow and rapid increase in FX which make our monetary policy encounter dilemma. 强制性结售汇制度、外汇市场设计的不合理以及大规模利用外资政策引起的外资大量流入、外汇储备超常增加导致我国货币政策经常面临严重困境。
This makes new generation peasant workers to no longer simply selling labor in exchange for low amount of income, many new generation peasant workers on their own to choose for yourself for a place in the city. 这就使新生代农民工不再甘心单纯靠出卖劳动力来换取低额的收入,许多新生代农民工便选择自主创业来为自己在城市争取一席之地。